
Friday, September 25, 2015

First Post

Hey everyone! If you understand the name of this blog or the description than you've come to the right place. I am obviously here to post about music, but what kind of music? Well, I will be posting reviews about concerts I've been to, reviews about bands that haven't made it to the big leagues (yet), stuff about my favorite bands i.e. Fall Out Boy, and just some random music rants. 
  I guess you should know a little bit about my music life; I have been playing guitar for three years, and have been to four, (soon to be five) concerts in the past year, and I can honestly tell you that the mosh pit is the place to be. I was raised on Blur and Coldplay and The Cranberries, but was introduced to my all time favorite bands much later in my life, though  I still love The Cranberries. 
  That's all for now, until next time, you should check out my all time favorite band :)