
Monday, October 12, 2015

Twenty One Pilots Blast

Recently I have had the pleasure of seeing the amazing band Twenty One Pilots live, and I can honestly say it was one of the best concerts I've ever been to. They were so interactive with the crowd and they were so amazing live.
But wait, I'm getting ahead of myself, let me start from the beginning.

The band to open are called Finish Ticket. They were really good and interactive with the crowd, bringing a good vibe and great music. My personal favorite song that they played was off their EP called When Night Becomes Day.
Finish Ticket
(Photo Cred)

The second band to open was Echosmith, you may recognize their hit song Cool Kids. They were really good as well. They were amazing live, and interacted with the crowd a lot as well. They closed with Cool Kids and it was amazing having everyone sing along to that amazing song. In the middle of the song, the lead singer Sydney Picks began talking to the crowd, telling us that we don't have to fit into labels to be a cool kid.
(Photo Cred)

Twenty One Pilots
(Photo Cred)

Finally, the moment we've all been waiting for: Twenty One Pilots. They were amazing. Josh Dun played the drums like none other, and no one can make playing a ukulele while "rapping" seem cool like Tyler Joseph.
The opening song was Heavydirtysoul, and they couldn't have opened with a better one. While Josh played the drums and Tyler the tambourine, the audience sang their hearts out to the chorus.
After a few songs of pure awesomeness, Tyler began talking to us, like really talking to us. It wasn't just the normal rehearsed stuff that they say at every concert, no, this was just for us.  He began talking to us about how the Saltair, where the concert was, was the most interesting venue he had ever been to, seeing how its right next to the Great Salt Lake in Utah. He then said that he doesn't really like to talk in between songs as he thinks that it ruins the vibe, but that he just couldn't stop because we were so amazing and felt that he needed to just interact with us.
After that, they began playing , and during one of the songs (forgive me I can't remember it was a long show) Josh got down off the drums and came over to stand on the piano with Tyler, and did a freaking backflip off it! What!? It was by far one of the best things that happened that night.
During The Run And Go, Tyler told us to go to the person next to us, whether they be a friend, cousin, brother, complete stranger, and get work out who would be getting on the other persons shoulders when he said "get up." It was amazing to see half the audience on each others shoulders.
More songs, more awesomeness, and then they invited this kid named Jacob to do the handshake from the Stressed Out music video with Josh and they totally killed it. (Jacob you lucky little child.)
Now, the time has come for the concert to come to an end (sadly.) So what song do they choose to end with? Trees. It was amazing, awesome, brilliant, supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. Words can not describe it. And the best part? Josh and Tyler both played the drums, while the mosh pit held them up!
Josh Dun and Tyler Joseph being held up by the audience while playing the closing song
(Photo Cred)
I highly doubt that any other band can do something as awesome as this, because it was freaking amazing.
Then it was over, even though no one wanted it to end. It is a concert that I will never forget because it was a blast.

Thanks, Twenty One Pilots, you're the best :)

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