
Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Music Review Of The Amazing Broods

I have recently discovered this band called Broods, and I can honestly say that they are  by far one of my favorite bands, at least currently. But the sad part is, this very talented band isn't very well known, so I have made it my job to help you discover and enjoy this band as much as I do.

Broods is a band from New Zealand, made of of the two siblings Georgia Nott on the vocals, and Caleb Nott, who basically does everything else (talk about talent).
Caleb and Georgia Nott
(Photo Cred)
They formed in early 2013 after they had both dropped out of college to focus on their music career, and later in October released their single Bridges online. It became New Zealand's no.8 single in January 2014.
Broods then released their song Never Gonna Change shortly before they debuted their EP, Broods, one January 30 2014. They then released their debut album, Evergreen, August 22 2014, and it hit the New Zealand Album Chart at no.1. 

I love this band because of their lyrics. They are so deep and well thought out and and I can relate to a few of them on a personal level. I love how the words sound together, like there is no better way to describe what Broods are trying to say. 
Now, you can't just have amazing lyrics and crappy music. I love the beats and their genre of music, which I can only describe as indie-electronica-trip hop-pop. I love hearing the electronic stuff mixed with indie pop, something just makes it so cool to hear. 
And her voice! Georgia Nott has an incredible voice. Its deep and sends this brooding (pun intended) feeling to the person listening. Her voice is unique, at least I think it is. You don't hear many artists anymore with the same voice as her, its just so interesting.
One last reason why I love them is because they are so passionate about their music. I mean, they even quit college to focus on their music career! And if you watch them live, my personal favorite is Never Gonna Change Live, you can tell that this means so much to them and that they love what they are doing. 
(Another minor detail is that they don't use autotune which I think is awesome and makes me love them even more because lots of bands use autotune now and thats kinda sad so its cool that they don't).

ALBUM: Broods EP
Broods Album Cover
(Photo Cred)
- Never Gonna Change
- Pretty Thing
- Bridges
- Sleep Baby Sleep (one of my favorites :D )
- Taking You There
- Coattails

ALBUM: Evergreen 
Broods Evergreen Album Cover
(Photo Cred)

- Mother & Father
- Everytime
- Killing You
- Bridges
- L.A.F
- Never Gonna Change
- Sober
- Medicine
- Evergreen
- Four Walls
- Superstar

Thanks for reading! Please check Broods out on iTunes and Youtube, bye! :)

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