
Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Don't Threaten Me With A New Album

If anyone is reading my blog I think it is safe to assume that you know what happened Friday  and OH MY GOSH PANIC! AT THE DISCO'S NEW ALBUM WAS FINALLY RELEASED!

Death of a Bachelor
( via Wikipedia)
We have all been waiting in earnest since the release of Emperor's New Clothes for Panic! At the Disco, more specifically Brendon Urie, to release his album. I mean, just by looking at the cover you can tell that it contains some quality music. I know for a fact that this picture was taken in his backyard (I swear I'm not a stalker I have seen Instagram pictures posted by Brendon and his wife of his backyard). Let's be honest, Sarah Urie probably took this photo as a joke and they decided to photoshop cool things on it but hey, it's a killer album cover.

Okay but the music. Panic! At the Disco never disappoints and all of the songs are AMAZING. They are all unique in their own way. You go from Impossible Year, which is like a slow piano symphony, and then you go to The Good, the Bad and the Dirty, which is like an upbeat pump up song that athletes would listen to before playing a game (plus it's my favorite song off the album). Not to mention that all the lyrics are awesome, they're all unique and tell their own story, whether it be funny like Don't Threaten Me with a Good Time or something with more meaning like Death of a Bachelor. But either way the are all fun to jam out to. Out of all Panics! albums: A Fever You Can't Sweat Out, Pretty. Odd., Vice & Virtues, Too Weird To Live, Too Rare To Die! This album is by far my favorite.

Not only did Panic! At the Disco release a new album, but they are also going on tour with Weezer, and they are coming to my state! Obviously I will be attending and I am going with my friends Kira and Piper. We are getting general admission tickets and it is my lifelong goal to be able to interact with Brendon Urie like I did Pete Wentz, but that's a story for another time. But for now, I'm just going to look forward to seeing this band live for the second time.

Well that's I have to say about Panics! new album, here is a list of the songs for now. :)

- Don't Threaten Me with a Good Time
- Emperor's New Clothes
- Death of a Bachelor
- Crazy=Genius
- La Devotee
- Golden Days
- The Good, the Bad and the Dirty
- House of Memories
- Impossible Year

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