
Friday, January 15, 2016

What Even Is Music?

So I mean music is pretty cool, like if you think about it, music is literally different vibration frequencies fighting against each other and for some weird reason humans enjoy it. And it is also weird because we are able create and alter these sound waves the way we want to to create something new, and sometimes we even use our own voices to make these sound waves.
Sound Wave
(via Electric Design)

Another reason why music is weird is because its has been around for 40,000 years, and it has changes so much but so little at the same time. The first musical instrument was a flute made of birds bones, and though we no longer carve our modern flutes out of bones, we still use them today. And that's not the only one. We use drums and harps and lutes and many other instruments, and though they have evolved they are still the same! That's crazy!

And then there is the fact that there are so many different types of music: grunge, punk, indie, classical, K-pop, etc, etc. All these different genres sound so different and yet they are made up of the same instruments and technology and vibration waves. And for some reason these waves are are sometimes appealing to the human brain and sometimes we just can't stand it. Is that not just the weirdest thing to think about? The sound hits our ears, travels to our cochlea, which then hits these tiny hair cells that send electric signals to our brain and it there our brain decides whether we like the music or not. If you want more information on this, you can go here.

But it goes beyond that. The sounds that are produced from our mouths, the sounds that humans use to communicate, they can go as far as saving someone's life, literally. There are so many people who have connected to the lyrics of the music they love so much and it helps them get through bad times, some worse than others, but bad times all the same. Some people don't understand how much music can mean to someone, and as I've mentioned in a previous post, you should not insult someone's music because you have no idea how much it means to them.

One last amazing this about music is that it is fun to dance to. I don't care if you are the worst dancer on the planet because either way you know you secretly love to dance, especially when it's a great song playing. A personal favorite of mine is Wannabe by The Spice Girls. An ultimate goal of mine is to get a video of my entire water polo team dancing to it because let's be honest, that would be some amazing crap.

That’s all I have to say on this subject for now, but I might come back to it because it is one I am very passionate about. Thanks for reading! :-)

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