
Sunday, November 22, 2015

All Music Is Music

Hello good people of the world and welcome to my rant. Yes, I am going to rant about music because I see a lot of crap in the music world and I have something to say about it. (DISCLAIMER: This post is person opinions and there no scientifically proven facts except for the fact that everyone likes Taylor Swift a little bit and even that one isn't very scientific).

People, you need to understand that just because you don't like a genre of music or a band or song, it doesn't mean its bad. Compare music to food. You have pizza, which almost everyone loves. Pizza is like Taylor Swift because no matter how much you deny it, you kind of like her music at least a little bit. Now take cheese, some people like it some people don't. Cheese is like rap music because there are people who love it people who would rather listen to Adele. Then you have a strange food like eggplants. How can someone like eggplants? Well this food is like Justin Bieber. You think that no one would like it, but people do, they're just hiding.
You might be wondering what this has to do with anything. Well your brain is like your tongue. Some  music is appealing to your taste buds while other music isn't your favorite but you'll still listen to it and there are just some music genres that taste sour and bitter to you. But heres the secret: just because you don't like it doesn't mean its bad.
What's that? You didn't hear me? Let me repeat myself. JUST BECAUSE YOU DON'T LIKE IT DOESN'T MEAN ITS BAD MUSIC.
All Music Is Beautiful
(Via Sleek Cover)
There are so many people out there that give other people a ton of crap because they think their music taste is crap. Well you know what? What if that person doesn't like John Cena and you do? How would you feel if they started telling you that John Cena was crap and not real music? I would be mad as heck (you have no idea how I react when someone insults Fall Out Boy).
Why can't we all just accept the fact that our brains work differently and not all music is appealing to us? This leads me to another point: if you show someone a song you like and they don't like it, don't be mean to them. So what if that person doesn't like a Adele's amazing and revolutionary work of art? They can't control the fact that they don't have a good taste in music. I'M TOTALLY KIDDING. Like  I said before, people have different tastes in music and that's okay.

My fellow music junkies, we are all here for the same reason, because we love music. So let us come together in one big punk-grunge-rap-country-pop-classical-rock and roll-hip hop-dubstep hug and share our love with one another. Let's remember why we love music and not why we hate some music, because all music is music.

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