
Sunday, March 20, 2016

Say It Wrong And I Will Slap You

It has come to my attention that some people do not know the correct names of bands and/or the correct names of the musicians. This is probably one of my biggest pet peeves and if I hear someone say a band the wrong name I literally have to restrain myself from slapping them. With that in mind, I have made it my mission to explain to you good people the correct names of a band and its members so you don't have to get slapped.

First off, there is Panic! At The Disco. The most common mistake people make is leaving out the '!' in the title. Why is this a big deal? Because people are panicking! At the disco. The real reason behind the '!' though, is that when they first started the band, Panic! At The Disco put the exclamation point in the title once as a joke and fans kept on using it until it stuck. So remember kids, keep that exclamation point in.

Still on the subject of Panic! At The Disco, let's talk about their lead singer, Brendon Urie. Let's repeat his name a couple of times: Brendon Urie, Brendon Urie, Brendon Urie. Got it memorized? Good, because another common mistake people make is calling Brendon either Brandon or Braden and it is annoying and that is not his real name. Remember: it's Brendon Urie.

Concerning Twenty One Pilots, most people for some reason think it's written with the number '21' but it is in fact, spelled out so it reads "Twenty One Pilots" and not "21 Pilots." People also abbreviate it to "21p" when it is simply "top." Don't ask me why Josh Dun and Tyler Joseph decided to make their title that way, all I know is that it's supposed to be said correctly.

Now we have Fall Out Boy, glorious Fall Out Boy. I can't tell you how many times I've seen some imbecile spells it "Fallout Boy", "Fall Out Boys," and the worst, "Fallout Boys." It drives me crazy, and people know it. My best friend finds joy in torturing me with misspellings and it pains me to have to read such abominations. Here is conversation we had recently:

My friend torturing me
(via my phone)
It is "My Chemical Romance" not "My Chemical Romans." It's "Blink 182" not "Blink 182 Times," it is not "Black Veil Birds" it is "Black Veil Brides." Please, people of this earth, if you have a shred of decency you will write these names correctly and spare me and my fellow music nerds the pain of seeing it the wrong way, and spare yourself the pain of getting slapped by me.

On that note, hope you all have a fantastic day! :)

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