
Thursday, May 12, 2016

Well, This Is It (Maybe)

I don't know if you know, but this blog is a school project for Honors English and to be honest, I wasn't very excited to do it. I mean why would I want do more homework? But it actually has been fun. I have enjoyed writing about music and expressing what I love, and even though there's only a few of you, I am glad that some people with the same interests have found my blog. True, it was harder than I thought, there's been times where I had zero motivation to write, or I could not think of a quality topic, or both. Many times I have felt like all my post suck and that I am a disgrace to the music world but it worked out in the end, My posts are at least decent and not to brag, but I've been getting good grades too.

Now here we are at the end of my blogging journey and I take this time to reflect on myself (cheesy I know). I feel that I have grown so much in the past months as a writer. I have found "my voice"  as a writer and was able to write in such a way that it sounded as if I were talking to you the way I would in person instead of like a formal essay or something. The look of my blog as improved a lot too if you notice, as my first few posts look like crap but now my more recent ones look at least half way decent.

Now, seven months and 17 posts later, we come to our end. I am not sure if I am going to continue blogging after this project is over, but either way, I'm glad I'm glad that my teacher made me do this. I am glad that I got to rant about music and share my favorite songs and my passion for Fall Out Boy with you. It was fun sharing this stuff with people who actually enjoy it as much as I do.

Since this may or may not be my last post, I am going to recommend one last song for you. I don't know if you've noticed but I've been kind of obsessed with Foxes lately. So I am recommending her song Cruel. I really love this song because it's a fun pop song and I don't know why but the chorus is really fun to sing along too.

Patrick sending thanks
( photo via justfalloutboythings)

It's been fun, thanks for taking the time to read my blog. Maybe I'll see you in a while. :)

Saturday, May 7, 2016

Best Music Videos of All Time

Music videos are the reason I breathe (not really), but they are my life. I can't tell you how many hours I've spent watching videos, but it's probably somewhere around half my life. So  I decided that I would share some of my favorite music videos with you.

NUMBER ONE. Emperor's New Clothes by Panic! At the Disco. I'm not going to go into too much detail because I wrote a whole post about it, but the reason I love it is because not only the camera angles are sick but because the way Demon Brendon Urie evolves throughout the video is awesome.

Next up is Fall Out Boy's Young Blood Chronicles. This is actually a series of music videos, all of them from the Save Rock and Roll album. The story they tell through the videos is awesome and even though Pete Wentz is a horrible actor, it was still really fun to watch.
Young Blood Chronicles
( photo via YouTube)
Now we have Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana. I love it because there is really no point to it, it's just a bunch of people having fun at a Nirvana concert that happens to be at a high school gym. Plus the best part is the janitor jamming out. 

The music video for Foxes song Amazing is in my top five. It's just a bunch of friends going on an adventure and having a great time together. It is literally friendship goals, I mean, who doesn't want to drive around in an ugly orange van with your favorite people?

Stressed Out by Twenty One Pilots. Everyone knows this song, but does everyone know the video? Watching Tyler Joseph and Josh Dun ride through a neighborhood on trikes drinking Capri Suns is definitely one of the best things I've ever seen in my life. It is also friendship goals, and don't even get me started on the handshake that goes down in this video.

New Americana by Halsey is definitely a thriller. For a musician, Halsey is actually a great actor, and her dystopian themed video wouldn't have been nearly as cool without her in it. The video fits the song so well too, it's just so perfect.

Lastly, Disco//Very - Keep It Healthy by Warpaint is a fun video to watch. There's nothing really special about, it's just the band walking around and singing their song while some random skateboarder is throwing ollie's in the background, but hey, it's fun to watch and the song is good.

Well, that's all of now, the list goes on but I don't want to keep you here for seven years. See you next time. ;)

Thursday, May 5, 2016

A Rookies Survival Guide to Concerts

So I've been to a lot of concerts including Bastille, Panic! At The Disco, Twenty One Pilots, Fall Out Boy, Ed Sheeran, etc. I think this makes me qualified to give some rookies some advice on how to survive a concert or music festival.

Concerts: What to bring and how to survive
Fully charged phone with plenty of storage space - this is essential. If you're anything like me, you want to document the amazing time you had and that means taking lots of pictures and videos. Make sure your phone is fully charged because taking videos drains the power fast, and make sure that you have plenty of storage so you don't have delete apps in the middle of the concert to make space for your photos.

Ear Plugs - I know what you're thinking, ear plugs are for the weak, I thought that too. But then my first concert I was stuck right in front of the speakers and I couldn't hear properly for 2 days. Concerts are loud and your ears might need a rest so do yourself a favor and and buy some $2 ear plugs.

Money, and lots of it - You are going to want to buy some merch, I can guarantee it. Concert t-shirts usually cost between $30 - $50, so save up. Sweatshirts, posters, hats, etc are also available for sale, so I would bring about $80 just to be safe.

Now that we have the essentials, you're going to want to keep your phone and money in your front pocket. This makes it so it’s hard to be pick pocketed, and that happens a lot at concerts, so keep your mula safe.

I recommend getting to the concert an hour - 3 hours early. This is so you can get some good merch and if  you're in the mosh pit or have general admission you  can get a good spot right in front of the stage. Speaking of merch, get it before the concerts starts. You want to do this because it sells out fast and after the concert you probably don't want to stick around in a long line to buy a t-shirt.

Have fun! Once the concert starts, don't give a crap about what people might think of you. Sing as loud as you want and break out some dance moves, just don't be that person everyone wants to kill, there is always someone who just doesn't make the concert fun for everyone.

Concert Fun
( photo via Intel)

Music Festivals: How to survive
To be honest, I've only been to one music festival, but I learned a lot. It's like a concert times 7. You're going to want to bring what you would a concert, plus a little extra. Before you go, check the weather, most festivals are outside. Don't be afraid to bring a rain jacket and warm coat, at my festival it was raining/snowing, so dress appropriately, I know you might think it’s uncool to wear a coat to a festival, but it’s uncool to freezing cold too.

You're going to have to deal with a bunch of weirdos at festivals, no avoiding it. There is almost always beer being sold somewhere so you might run into a few drunk people, just ignore them and get as far away as possible from them. And to be honest, you might get a beer thrown at you, I did and my hair smelled like cheap beer the rest of the night, so just be prepared.

There will be merch being sold, so I would go buy some while a band you don't know/like is playing. There will usually be less people in the line and it's nice to get out of your seat/the pit for a while. In fact, there are usually booths around so feel free to explore them, it's pretty fun.

I hope this was helpful! Just make sure to have fun at your concert or festival and it will turn out to be awesome.