
Sunday, March 20, 2016

Pump Me Up

As some of you may know, as well as a music lover I am an athlete, particularly in water polo, gosh how I love water polo. Anyway I decided I would share my "Pump Up," playlist that I often listen to before games incase you were looking for some new up beat songs or if you just wanted some good music  in general.

Michael Phelps at 2012 Olympics
(photo via The Telegraph)

First up we have Castle by Halsey. I love to listen to this song before games because not only is the beat sick, but the lyrics are so awesome and "empowering" I guess you could say. I particularly like the lyric "Already choking on my pride, so there's no use crying about it." I don't know why, it just makes me feel invincible.

The next song isn't very well known. It's called Turn The Music Up by NF. This song is awesome. The lyrics just give off the vibe. They talk about being confident and not giving a crap about what people think. It also has a sick bass drop during the bridge and makes you feel like you can punch through walls.

I then have Victorious by Panic! At The Disco. This song is pretty obvious, and the title is a huge give away. It is an upbeat song and the lyrics are literally talking about winning. Perfect material if you want to crush your opponents.

I also have Heart of Fire by Black Veil Brides on my 'Pump Up' playlist. This is sort of a metal song so there is a wicked guitar and sick drums the whole song, not to mention that Andy Biersack has a sick voice.

Guns For Hands by Twenty One Pilots is one of my favorites. Though not a particularly fast song, Tyler Joseph's "rapping" just sets the mood.

Novocaine by Fall Out Boy. This song gives me life. It is super upbeat and I legit feel like I can run a marathon, and I hate running. It just gets you in the zone, you know?

Dream by Imagine Dragons. It starts out kind of slow, but once you get to the chorus, you'll see why it's on my playlist. The lyrics are just so powerful, you'll know what I mean when you listen to it.

Another Imagine Dragons song: I'm So Sorry. This. Song Is. The. Best. The first twenty seconds are quiet and then all of a sudden BOOM. Your heart will be racing a million beats per a second. I especially like the part when he screams "I'm so sorry" in the chorus.

Since I started with a Halsey I have to end with one. I Walk The Line. The beat, like Castle, is so unique and cool. It's isn't upbeat, but it just makes you feel powerful and the way Halsey's voice sounds just sends shivers down your spine. The last half is particularly awesome.

This is only a small fraction of my playlist and I wish I could share the rest of it with you, but we would be here all day. Hope this was helpful, see you next time!

Say It Wrong And I Will Slap You

It has come to my attention that some people do not know the correct names of bands and/or the correct names of the musicians. This is probably one of my biggest pet peeves and if I hear someone say a band the wrong name I literally have to restrain myself from slapping them. With that in mind, I have made it my mission to explain to you good people the correct names of a band and its members so you don't have to get slapped.

First off, there is Panic! At The Disco. The most common mistake people make is leaving out the '!' in the title. Why is this a big deal? Because people are panicking! At the disco. The real reason behind the '!' though, is that when they first started the band, Panic! At The Disco put the exclamation point in the title once as a joke and fans kept on using it until it stuck. So remember kids, keep that exclamation point in.

Still on the subject of Panic! At The Disco, let's talk about their lead singer, Brendon Urie. Let's repeat his name a couple of times: Brendon Urie, Brendon Urie, Brendon Urie. Got it memorized? Good, because another common mistake people make is calling Brendon either Brandon or Braden and it is annoying and that is not his real name. Remember: it's Brendon Urie.

Concerning Twenty One Pilots, most people for some reason think it's written with the number '21' but it is in fact, spelled out so it reads "Twenty One Pilots" and not "21 Pilots." People also abbreviate it to "21p" when it is simply "top." Don't ask me why Josh Dun and Tyler Joseph decided to make their title that way, all I know is that it's supposed to be said correctly.

Now we have Fall Out Boy, glorious Fall Out Boy. I can't tell you how many times I've seen some imbecile spells it "Fallout Boy", "Fall Out Boys," and the worst, "Fallout Boys." It drives me crazy, and people know it. My best friend finds joy in torturing me with misspellings and it pains me to have to read such abominations. Here is conversation we had recently:

My friend torturing me
(via my phone)
It is "My Chemical Romance" not "My Chemical Romans." It's "Blink 182" not "Blink 182 Times," it is not "Black Veil Birds" it is "Black Veil Brides." Please, people of this earth, if you have a shred of decency you will write these names correctly and spare me and my fellow music nerds the pain of seeing it the wrong way, and spare yourself the pain of getting slapped by me.

On that note, hope you all have a fantastic day! :)

Pete Wentz Held My Hand 2k15

Today is the day I will tell you about the time Pete Wentz held my hand. But to tell this story, I have to start from the beginning.

So, I arrive at the concert about an hour before it officially starts with my friend, my sister, and her French foreign exchange student. After purchasing some merch (I got a tour t-shirt and a Fall Out Boy flag) claim a spot in the pit, right in the center three people from the front. We wait not so patiently for the concert to start and finally after what felt like Centuries (pun intended), Hoodie Allen came on stage. Now I had never listened to Hoodie before so I obviously didn't know the songs, but it was fun all the same. After Hoodie Wiz Khalifa came on and we had a surprise visit from MAX.

Joe Trohman and Andy Hurley
(My Photo)
Then it was the moment we had all been waiting for. I could not stand still and anxiously waited for FOB to come onto stage and make my dreams come true. Then...we heard it. Sugar We're Going Down. The crowd FLIPPED  and there was lot's of screaming. And all of a sudden they were there. Patrick, Pete, Andy, and Joe all on stage, literally nine feet away from me.

I'll spare you the details of of the concert because lets be honest, if I told you everything this would be a 5,000 page book. But I literally died 27 times. It was amazing. Patrick Stump has an amazing voice in real life and nothing can compete with it.

To soon was it over, and FOB ended with their hit song Saturday. I was killing it in the mosh pit and though sad it was over, glad that I got to see Fall Out Boy live.

But then something unexpected happened. Pete Wentz put his base down, grabbed a microphone and climbed into the pit to be held up by his fans. The crowd surged forward but I didn't care. Pete Wentz was now inches from me and I even touched his arm.

But then, through all the chaos and waving hands, Pete Wentz held  mine. I repeat. PETE WENTZ HELD MY HAND. I died for the 28th time that night. Shocked that Pete had grabbed my hand all I could do was gape up at him and I swear on all that is good on this sweet earth- Pete Wentz and I made eye contact and he smiled directly at me. 29th death. He held my hand for a good 12 seconds before he let go and moved on, but I didn't care. Pete Wentz held my hand. 

And then it ended. Fast forward to a few days later, still slightly in shock from the concert, still wearing my FOB t-shirt I had purchased, I was looking at pictures other people had taken when I found this photo:
Pete Wentz SLC 2015
(via my phone)
At first I was like, "cool pic," but then I looked closer and saw it. My hand is in that picture. It is the one sideways and vertical in the air with the ring on it, right by the hand that is waving and looks like it has a drawing on it. You're probably thinking, "pfft, yeah right. How does she know that's her hand?" Well buddy, I've been living with that same hand for nearly 15 years and I think I would know what it looks like. Plus, I was wearing a ring on my right hand that night so I think it is safe to assume that that is in fact, my hand.

Anyway, that is my story of the time Pete Went held my hand and how I died 29 times.